On his initial trip to the clinic to see Dr. Hasson for evaluation, it was determined this Vancouver area patient would require around 4,000 grafts or more to achieve his hair restoration goals. Bothered by the loss in front, the plan was to rebuild the hairline and frontal zone working back into the mid-scalp as far back as necessary. Rather than compromise on the result with a smaller number of grafts than Dr. Hasson recommended, he decided to wait until the time was right to commit the necessary resources for the best possible outcome. A few years after his initial visit, he was ready to embark on the what would ultimately be his impressive transformation. To execute a result that would enable him to wear his hair in the desired style, FUE was the preferred method of choice. Overall donor hair was above average, hair texture was also about average. The 2 day FUE procedure totalled 4093 grafts. Day one yielded 2643 grafts of which 300 were single hair grafts, 1518 were double hair grafts and 825 were 3-4 hair grafts. Day 2 completed the task with an additional 2260 grafts. 1331 were doubles, 929 were 3-4 hair grafts. These photos were taken at the clinic 1 year post-op.
As one can imagine, we have performed many hair restoration procedures on a number of celebrities and famous people over the years. We also often have patients who refer to certain celebrities and public figures to convey what kind of result they would ideally like to have. In many cases we can deliver, in others where donor reserves may be limited, we need to be more realistic. In this case, the patient described Brad Pitt’s hair from the movie Fury as a style he would love to have if possible. In order to achieve this, a few key factors needed to be in place. #1 and perhaps the most important, a highly skilled surgeon with a talented and experienced staff. #2 and equally as important would be that the quality and quantity of the donor hair has to be sufficient. Other factors such as final hair loss pattern, supply versus demand also play a role. In this case with above average donor hair and other favorable factors, this type of hair style was possible. We also had to employ FUE to enable the ability to shave the head short on the sides and back. Ironically when this patient came back 1 year later to show Dr. Hasson his result and have his photos taken, a staff member unaware of his hair transplant goals and reference to Mr. Pitt, commented that he reminded them of Brad’s hair in that aforementioned movie. Needless to say the patient was very pleased with his life changing result and lit up with joy after the staff member’s observation. This patient was last seen on Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills auditioning to be Brad Pitt’s stunt double in the upcoming movie Bullet Train…Ok maybe not…
Dr. Victor Hasson
Type 5
September 29, 2020