
You're in great hands!

Hasson & Wong provides industry leading hair transplants and patient care. From initial consultation to completed hair transplant, you’ll be attended by professional, courteous, knowledgeable staff, whose sole aim is to provide you the best care possible. Here is a general outline of how the Hair Transplant Surgery Procedure happens.


When you arrive on the morning of your procedure you will be greeted by one of our staff members. You will be asked to fill out some basic forms while your doctor and surgical technicians prepare for the hair transplant surgery. A technician will take your blood pressure and make sure you have followed the pre-operative instructions carefully. Although rarely needed, you may be offered a mild sedative. You will then be led into one of four state-of-the-art procedure rooms. Hair transplant procedure rooms are designed specifically for hair transplantation, facilitating optimal efficiency and patient comfort.

Before the hair restoration surgery begins, your doctor will review your previously discussed goals and expectations and work with you to determine the most effective use of your donor hair. The doctor/patient review is an integral part of the process: the doctor will listen to your wishes and ideas, take them into account, and make suggestions based on thousands of successful hair restorations. The procedure will not move forward until you feel completely satisfied with the approach and design you and your doctor have agreed upon.

Your operation begins with injections of local anaesthesia into the donor area. The anaesthesia will ensure that you feel no pain. The procedures for FUT (Strip) removal are different than the procedures for FUE (punch) removal.

FUT Removal

Once the area is frozen, your doctor will begin removing the donor strip, which usually takes about 45 minutes. During this part of the procedure, you will be lying face-down on a comfortable table similar to a massage table.Once the strip removal is completed, your physician will close the donor site with surgical grade stainless steel staples designed for cosmetic surgery. While your doctor is closing the donor site, technicians will begin separating follicular units from the donor area.

Next, the removed strip is processed with the aid of stereoscopic dissecting microscopes. Highly skilled technicians dissect follicular units (1 – 4 hair groupings) from sections of the donor strip and ready them for implantation.

FUE Removal

The donor area is shaved down to the scalp to allow the infrared sensors to accurately map your donor follicles. The physician will then work with the collected data to determine precisely which follicles will be extracted. The machine works to position the punch tool and score the skin to separate the follicular units. Each unit is then individually extracted by hand. The number of punctures created depends on how many grafts are available and are required for your procedure.

The graft units are then inspected using stereoscopic dissecting microscopes, and are trimmed and cleaned as required in preparation for implantation.

A Break and Refreshments

Once this initial phase of your hair transplant procedure is completed you will be able to walk around and stretch your legs or use the washroom. One of the technicians will bring refreshments for you while other staff members prepare the procedure room for the second phase of your hair transplant procedure.

For this part of the hair transplants procedure, you will be seated in a comfortable, reclining procedure chair. As the hair transplant doctor creates recipient sites—small incisions that will receive the donor hair—you can watch TV or Netflix and admire the spectacular view of Vancouver and North Vancouver mountains.

Recipient sites are created using the lateral-slit technique, pioneered by Drs Hasson & Wong. The Hasson & Wong Lateral-Slit Technique is the only surgical technique that mimics the alignment and distribution of hair as it occurs in nature.

After the initial recipient site incisions are made, two technicians will begin to place the first wave of grafts. All technicians that place grafts have undergone a vigorous training program to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Lunch from a selection of local restaurants will be provided.

After lunch, hair transplant surgery will continue: technicians will place more grafts and the doctor will create more recipient sites. At most anytime during the day you can request a break to use the washroom or stand up and stretch.

Once the hair transplant procedure is finished you will be presented with an after care post-operative package. This package consists of various medications such as an anti-biotic, mild pain killers and other assorted items to make your post-operative healing time go as smoothly as possible. You will be encouraged to write or call Hasson & Wong for any follow-up questions you may have.

You’ll be invited to come in so we can inspect the work and show you how to wash your hair in the early days of your recovery.