
The best way to avoid a hair transplant or reduce the number of hair transplant surgeries required is to keep your hair from falling out in the first place. Even after you’ve had a hair transplant, you still want to prevent further loss.

Blame your parents. The vast majority of hair loss is caused by genetic factors and the actions of the hormone DHT,  the cause of typical male pattern baldness.  Hormonal fluctuations due to pregnancy can also cause hair loss,  although it is often temporary.  Besides the hormonal causes, there are many other factors that can contribute or cause hair loss.

  • Tight hair styles: pulled back, tied-up, corn-rowed or braided. If you are wearing a style that constantly strains and pulls your hair, the follicle can be weakened or broken and the hair can fall out.  Many people who have worn a tight hair style for an extended period of time experience permanent hair loss.  Excessive  bleaching and using harsh styling techniques can also lead to hair damage.
  • Turbans: We are seeing more and more men coming to us with hair loss caused by wearing turbans which pull their hair too tightly.
  • Illness: There are a number of underlying medical conditions that can trigger hair loss. If you are experiencing sudden, patchy or massive hair loss, or your hair is coming out in clumps, you should seek the advice of a physician.  Problems may arise due to glandular issues, auto-immune issues (Alopecia Areata), infections, fevers and skin disorders. Physical or mental shock can also cause hair loss.
  • Medications: Patients being treated with Chemotherapy often experience hair loss, and people who regularly take medications for high blood pressure, arthritis, heart issues, cancer or depression may also be impacted.

Hair Loss Prevention

People have been selling hair loss prevention solutions for hundreds of years.  There are jellies and tinctures and sprays and mists and creams and pills and exercises and laser caps and more!  Now we also have platelet therapy, stem cell regeneration and cloning. We are not yet convinced platelet therapy and cell regeneration are viable options at this stage and cloning still appears to be many years away, In the old days, you would trust the salesman and keep your fingers crossed, just hoping your hair would stop falling out. Fortunately, today we don’t have to blindly trust a salesman. There are now decades of data showing that certain types of remedies actually work, and that others do not.

Our hair transplant physicians will discuss with you what options may be best for your case.