
FUE Hair Transplant Repair Story

Back in 2001, my hairdresser had noticed that my hair was thinning. When I went home, I took a good like at and she was correct. At that point, I began looking at options to slow down or completely stop my hair loss from progressing any further. Like most men losing their hair, I wished I could turn back the clock and have the thick hair I once had.

Over a 6-year span, I began trying various “potions”, lotions, shampoos, vitamins etc… Some of them advertising that it would stop my hair loss and eventfully provide me with a full head of hair again. At one point, I even shave my head as I was informed that it would grow back to be even thicker than it was before.

None of the above approaches worked and my hair just continued to get thinner and thinner.

The more hair I loss, the more desperate I became. I paid a visit to my local GP and after his evaluation; he basically said there’s nothing he could do for me. I was destined to be bald. I briefly investigated getting a custom wig and immediately knew it wasn’t for me.

My Hair Transplant Decisions

Continuing on, in 2007 I discovered a medical group in London England (they had an office there) who performed FUE procedures in Greece. I viewed photos of former patient who had FUE surgery with them and I was convinced this was my saving grace. I proceeded to have two FUE procedures with them in 2007.

They assured me that I had all the procedures that I would need. Obviously this was great news to me at the time. Of course, that wasn’t the case. There were a lot of gaps in the hairline, the placement of the hairs were done in a manner that made them look completely unnatural, and the crown area was very thin. I guess I was somewhat fortunate in that I could brush my hair forward and somewhat get away with it (masking my thinning hair to a degree). They had told me that I had received a combined total of 1,500 grafts, but it certainly didn’t look like it.

Still completely unsatisfied with my hair, over the next 8 years, I began an online search of hair restoration clinics. This led me to a number of well-known clinics of which one was Hasson and Wong. Thus began a period of consultation with Hasson and Wong as well as a number of other clinics. During this consultation period with Hasson and Wong which lasted until 2015, I met with Dr Wong and 3 occasions and had many long email and telephone discussions with the clinic and David Anderson. I would also meet with David in London following face to face consultations with Dr Wong and would spend a lot of time going over the detail of the recommendation from Dr Wong. Following many long discussions withDavid I agreed to start using finasteride 1mg 3 times a week which is the FDA approved medication to prevent hair loss in the crown. There was never any ‘pushy salesman’ tactics used and information, support and advice provided by the clinic and David was always to help inform me. It was clear to me from before/ after pics of other patients, credentials of Dr Wong, information and support from David that Hasson and Wong was clearly a world leading hair restoration clinic which would help me achieve my goals. Thus I booked to have surgery on the 15th March 2015.


Dr. Jerry Wong


FUE Repair

Norwood Scale




Surgery Date

March 15, 2015

back of hair transplant patients head with fue scars
Mar 15, 2015

Previous Scars

Here you can see the scarring that was left behind from my previous FUE hair transplant (white areas).
Mar 15, 2015
Mar 15, 2015

Correcting My Hairline – Surgery Day

My previous FUE surgery left me with a very low and unnatural looking hairline. Dr. Wong and I agreed that the hairline needing some major correcting, so that it what you see here. The larger holes were old FUE grafts that were removed. Dr. Wong used the FUE technique to remove these grafts.

Mar 15, 2015
hair transplant patient from the UK
Mar 15, 2015

Pre Surgery

When I look at my pre op pictures the realisation of my thinning really hits home. Although I am not bald the thinning is evident. Furthermore, it is possible that had I not started finasteride when I had I may have been in a worse position than what the pictures depict. These pictures remind me how I used to avoid looking at my hair as it would remind me of my thinning. Especially from the top down
Mar 15, 2015
hair transplant patient with thinning hair
Mar 15, 2015

Pre Surgery

Mar 15, 2015
hair transplant patient after one week of FUE hair transplant repair top of head
Mar 22, 2015

The 1 Week Mark

Week 1 was a good feeling as although my hair was shaved down due to the surgery. I could see a hairline and all the hair that had been transplanted. I thought it looked really good and no one would even be able to tell that I was thinning as there is a lot of hair on my head! The only thing that gives it away is the staple around the back of my head. Recovery wise- no pain, no issues. Dr. Wong had extracted 4,628 graft using FUT.
Mar 22, 2015
top of FUE hair transplant repair patient's head 1 week after surgery
Mar 22, 2015

1 Week Post Op

Another one week post op top of the head.
Mar 22, 2015
FUE hair transplant repair 2 weeks post surgery
Mar 29, 2015

2 Weeks Post Op

Here I am at the two week mark
Mar 29, 2015
FUE hair transplant repair patient hairline 4 months after surgery
Jul 15, 2015

4 Month Mark

I think these pictures are reflective of where I was prior to surgery. I’m out of the ‘ugly duckling’ stage allegedly!!. If I push my hair backwards it does look thin and the hairline looks weak. There is possibly a little improvement in the hairline from where I began. Probably have around 10% perhaps new hairs starting to sprout, these hairs are immature, thin and wispy and need to thicken. How I pray for better days!!
Jul 15, 2015
right side view of hair transplant patient 4 months after FUE surgery repair
Jul 15, 2015

4 Months Side

Jul 15, 2015
hair transplant results five months after surgery
Aug 15, 2015

5 Months Post Op

I’ve grown my hair just to see what it looks like if I push it upwards. Still looks quite thin in the Crown area.. I think that there has been growth since before the surgery but from the pictures it doesn’t look to be significant at this stage. Does make me feel anxious and I hope and pray that the growth over the coming months will be significant
Aug 15, 2015
Hair transplant patient showing top of head 5 months after surgery
Aug 15, 2015

5 Months Top

Aug 15, 2015
hair transplant patient back of head 7 months after surgery
Oct 15, 2015

Back 7 Months

Oct 15, 2015
hair transplant patient showing hairline at 7 months post op
Oct 15, 2015

7 Monts Post Op

Looking good!! Hair looks and feels fuller. It does look slightly thin within the midscalp/ crown area but a massive difference from month 5. I haven’t been able to push my hair backwards for approx. 14 years so this is a euphoric feeling. I know that my result will get even better over the next few months so I am really looking forward to it. God bless Dr Wong!
Oct 15, 2015
hair transplant repair patient showing side view of 10 months post op results
Jan 15, 2016

10 Months Post Op

I’m happy with the result. The hairline does need refining but this is something that Dr Wong and I had already discussed prior to my procedure. Dr Wong removed some the hair’s from my hairline that were transplanted by another clinic years ago. No-one would even know as there is no scarring in the hairline area. It looks good but I do want to refine my hairline and make it stronger. Midscalp and crown area looks good. I would hope for further improvement. Really happy with my result 10 months post op. Its funny how i would always ring and text David to tell him about my progress or lack of and he would always reassure me and tell me to be patient and the result would come in. Bet he is reading and thinking, ‘i told you so!’
Jan 15, 2016
hair transplant hairline 10 months post op
Jan 15, 2016

10 Months Hairline

As you can see, the hairline looks great, needs some work as mentioned, but all the old grafts have been removed and there’s no scarring.
Jan 15, 2016
hair transplant results at 10 months post op
Jan 15, 2016

10 Months Post Op Top

Jan 15, 2016
hair transplant results at 10 months post op
Apr 08, 2016

12 Months Top

Apr 08, 2016
timeline hair transplant surgery 10 months post surgery
Apr 08, 2016

12 Months Side

Apr 08, 2016
uk hair transplant 12 months after surgery
Apr 08, 2016

12 Months Back

Apr 08, 2016