hair transplant before fue 1036 grafts Before

FUE Hair Transplant Story

I am a 33 year old Asian man and had been watching my hairline slowly weaken over the past ten years. After doing extensive research online, I had an in-person consultation with Dr. Hasson and Wong’s senior advisor Doug and decided to go ahead with a hair transplant.

It was only when I changed my hairstyle and shaved my hair quite short that I realized the follicles growing at my temples were much finer, and were not growing as densely as the rest of my hair.

I researched and started using Minoxidil 2% liquid at my temples and quickly saw small, fine hair growth, but it was not coming in at the same thickness as my other hair. I switched to 5% liquid and later to the foam preparation, which I have continued to use regularly and without any side effects. However, even with this preventative measure, this year I finally recognized that the hairline at my temples has continued to weaken. It has been a few years since I’ve been able to wear a slicked back hairstyle and it was becoming more difficult to hide the recession.

This patient’s journey has just begun!

Follow his timeline as he continues his hair restoration recovery and ultimately, see his final stages of growth. Check back for updates!


Dr. Victor Hasson



Norwood Scale




Surgery Date

August 05, 2015

June 18, 2015

The First Consultation

I first met with Hasson and Wong’s Senior Patient Advisor, Doug, who spoke with me about hair transplant surgery and showed me examples of the hairline work Hasson and Wong have done in the past.

June 18, 2015
June 18, 2015

Consultation Day

Dr. Hasson arrived and provided and assessment and an estimate of how many grafts would be required to restore my hairline. He said 800 to 1000 hair grafts would be enough to achieve my hair restoration goals. When I learned that they could do the operation using FUE extraction, I decided to book my surgery.
June 18, 2015
August 05, 2015

The Day of Surgery

My surgery started at 6:55 in the morning. Dr. Hasson met with me again and we discussed my expectations and went over the hairline design. He drew the proposed line on my head and when he knew I was happy with the design we got started. Once started, the operation took about 10.5 hours, it was tiring, but not painful (the most painful part was receiving the local anesthetic at the beginning of the session.) Dr. Hasson worked closely with his team of specialized technicians, first to make the extractions (they used a 0.855mm punch) then to inspect, trim and record each graft. After a lunch break, Dr. Hasson started the implanting by making tiny incisions with a blade that was custom-cut for my scalp. The Doctor and technicians worked through the afternoon to make and fill the slits, and we were done by about 6:30 pm.
August 05, 2015
FUE day after surgery back of head
August 06, 2015

The Day After Surgery

As recommended, I went back to the clinic at noon to have my hair washed and to learn how to wash it myself during the early part of my recovery. Pictures were taken (as you can see) and Dr. Hasson inspected the transplanted grafts & said they looked very strong.
August 06, 2015
one week post up FUE surgery back of head
August 13, 2015

One Week After Surgery

I am so pleased I went with FUE extraction, my donor area is looking good and is healing well. My recipient area is already looking pretty good, most of the crusts have fallen off and you can see hair growth in the area.

August 13, 2015
August 19, 2015

Two Weeks After Surgery

I shaved my hair down to make the top and sides closer in length to my donor area and recipient area. You can see that my donor area looks completely natural, you really can’t tell I had anything done. There is growth in the recipient area and all the scabs and crusts are gone. It appears that the transplanted hairs are starting to shed, as I noticed a bunch stayed on my fingers when I was applying the recommended vitamin E oil. I know the shedding is a normal part of the growth cycle, but I am not looking forward to it.
August 19, 2015
September 04, 2015

One Month After Surgery

Here I am one month post-op. Pretty much all transplanted hairs have shed. The recipient area remains slightly pink but is slowly fading. The numbness in the recipient area is also lessening. The donor area has been quite itchy since week 2. I have also been getting the odd pimple in the recipient area which resided in a couple of days. I have had approximately 5-6 pimples in the donor area which were pretty big, but I drained them without any issues. From the pictures, it seems that there may have been some shock loss in the donor area, but nothing really that noticeable. At this point, it is the ‘ugly duckling’ phase. I have been using Minoxidil foam 5% since the 2 week mark including my recipient areas. You can see there are the odd hairs in the recipient area, whether they are native hairs or new hairs, I have no clue. The waiting game is on.

September 04, 2015
October 05, 2015

Two Months After Surgery

I am now 2 months post-op. There isn’t a ton of change aesthetically, however, there are lots of fine hairs started to sprout. The right side seems like it’s changing at a faster rate than the left. No change really in the donor area. The recipient area is still light pink. The odd pimple here and there in the recipient area. 

October 05, 2015
Hair transplant patient 3 months after hair transplant surgery
November 05, 2015

Three Month Update

Three months post op, and there are a lot of fine hairs that have sprouted, along with a good number that are thickening. The redness has reduced considerably and is pretty much non existent at this point. I am growing out the top, but keeping the back and sides short. As you can see, the donor area looks excellent.
November 05, 2015
Hair transplant patient donor area 3 months post op
November 05, 2015

Three Month Update: Donor Area

The donor area is looking good and you can’t see any evidence of a scar.
November 05, 2015
December 07, 2015

Four Months Post Op Hairline

Four months in. Lots of action. Hair from month 3 keep to thicken on a daily basis. Lots of new fine hairs sprouting as well. Pictures are taken immediately after a hair cut. You can see the donor area looks great even with the hair cropped very short on the sides and back. Excited to see what month 5 and 6 have in store.

December 07, 2015
January 05, 2016

Five Months Post Op

Things keep improving. Noticeable increase of density since the 4 month mark. I can still see fine hairs sprouting so that is a good sign or even more things to come in the upcoming months. Even at this stage, this is more of a hairline I have had in years.

January 05, 2016
February 10, 2016

Six Months Post Op

The 6 month milestone. I am pretty happy with the progress so far. There are some weak spots that I hope will thicken up in the next couple of months. The new hair is still a bit wirey/crinkly compared to the rest of the hair. The length of the new hairs are also shorter than the rest of my hair. You can still see some fine hairs that can only be seen if you zoom in on the picture so hopefully those thicken up and increase the overall density. The pictures are with the hair under fluorescent lighting, no flash, no hair product.

February 10, 2016
hair transplant patient 7 months after surgery front view
March 11, 2016

Seven Months Post Op

My hairline is progressing along quite nicely at the 7 month mark. More growth to follow!

March 11, 2016
hair transplant patient 7 months after surgery front view
May 20, 2016

Nine Months Post Op

May 20, 2016