
Rome And Switzerland Have Booked Up!

Picture of Author: Dr. Victor Hasson

Author: Dr. Victor Hasson

Medical Doctor & Hair Restoration Physician

Thank you to all that will be participating in next week’s Italy and Switzerland consultations and making this year’s trip another success. Once again Dr. Wong’s annual European trip to meet prospective patients has sold out, Rome (Oct 8-10) and Lugano (Oct 12-14) are fully booked. However, if you’d still like to try and get in to see Dr. Wong, get in touch with us and we’ll place you on the wait list should any scheduled patients be unable to attend. If we can’t find you a spot this time, we will be in touch soon when we announce a new city in Europe where a Hasson and Wong representative will be available to discuss your case.  And as always, you can submit your photos through our online form which the majority of our patients do. We will get you the doctor’s recommendation as to what may be possible.  Whether it be in person or online, we can determine whether you are a good candidate for a possible life changing hair restoration procedure at Hasson and Wong.


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