FUE Hair Transplant Refinement
We started the year off by continuing our efforts to review and refine our services and to recognize the increased request for FUE extractions. Both Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong continued their ongoing research and refined existing procedures to ensure our FUE methods are as effective as possible and provide the same quality results we experience with FUT. Unlike some other hair transplant clinics, we take the time to check and process every extracted graft under high-powered microscopes to ensure each graft unit is viable before it is transplanted. This is labor-intensive work, but we know it pays off in the results.
Expansion Into FUE Hair Transplants
A physical renovation of the clinic provided a more efficient work-flow for FUE procedures, allowed us to install even more microscope work-stations, which provided our hair transplant technicians easier access to the equipment they need. Dr. Hasson & Dr. Wong both traveled to observe other surgeons performing FUE extractions and Dr. Wong attended the International FUE workshop in Istanbul.
Hair Transplant Consultations
Speaking of travel, the Doctors also visited Milan, Naples, Rome and London to meet with patients and to provide free in-person consultations. Our Patient Advisors were also globe-trotting and offered personal assessments in Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto and Halifax. In the USA, we held consultation sessions in Miami, Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York.
We performed hair transplant surgery for patients from 27 different countries from 239 cities and provided consultations to people from more than 70 countries! About 37% of our patients were in their 30’s, followed by patients in their 40’s (24%) and patients in their 20’s (21%).
David, UK Hair Transplant Consultant
Our London, England consultant, David spent a few months in Vancouver working directly with our Senior Patient Advisor, Doug and with both Dr. Wong and Dr. Hasson. David injected some fresh energy into our days and spent lots of time meeting individually with patients, sharing his own hair transplant history and providing no-obligation assessments. David’s clients consistently remark on his low-pressure, honest and informative style, which we all appreciate.
Software Expansion
Our Administrative team worked hard this year to adopt new software tools that will enable us to provide more personalized experiences for our patients before and after their hair transplant surgies. We’re focused on continually assessing our service and these tools will allow us to listen and communicate more effectively with every patient.
New Hair Transplant Timeline Feature
Our website was also re-vamped to provide mobile and easier access to valuable information and to allow us to introduce Patient Timelines and a Hair Transplant Blog. Hair transplant patient timelines allow you to follow a patient’s journey from before their hair transplant surgery to a full year after their operation. Our patients participate in this program voluntarily; there is no payment of exchange of goods, so you can be assured that what you are seeing are genuine results.
Hair Transplant Blog
The Hair Transplant Blog allows us to comment on topical information and to provide up-to-date information about the Hair Transplant industry, advances in hair transplant techniques or medications, and other details about our procedures and services. We hope you’ll subscribe!
With all that going on, how do we have time to perform surgeries? Not to worry! Each doctor has completed hundreds of surgeries this year and our photo and video galleries have grown to show new result photo sets. As always, the photos and videos on our website are all pictures of our real clients and their actual results. We never alter or Photoshop our images because we are proud of our work and we want you to be able to see exactly the type of results you can expect.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We also looked back and dug into the past a bit to rediscover Hasson & Wong’s contributions to modern Hair Transplant Surgery. We hope you’ll read this piece on the development of the Lateral Slit Technique and the refinement of the FUT process.
We are super-excited about 2016 and the continued refinement of our service to patients from around the globe.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]