
Patient #1943


This Vancouver area patient in his mid-30’s was bothered by his receding hairline and also had diffused thinning throughout the top of his scalp extending to parts of his crown. His father was a stage 6 and he was heading in a similar direction. He did not fit into any classic category on the Norwood scale but would likely be characterized as a stage 3 DPA (diffused pattern alopecia) heading for a potential stage 5A-6. Surgery alone would get him to a very favorable position in the near foreseeable future but without medication, the diffuse thinning of the non-transplanted existing hair would continue and he would likely need further procedures down the road to chase the future hair loss. The pre-op photos do not reveal the extent of the thinning on the top and it was originally determined around 4,000 grafts may suffice. The patient had expressed an interest in getting as many grafts as possible and adding density to any areas that could accommodate. Once the hair was shaved prior to the procedure, Dr. Wong could get a more accurate depiction of exactly which areas could be safely addressed. With his good donor area density and laxity, Dr. Wong was able to harvest 5181 grafts via FUT.  His temples were also receded so rebuilding of the hairline required advancing the temples to create the necessary framing to enhance the cosmetic impact. Working from the front, Dr. Wong continued into the mid scalp on his way to the crown for what essentially turned out to be full coverage. Adequate density throughout was achieved to create the desired end result. Breaking down the 5181 graft total, 1948 were single hair grafts, 2763 were double hair grafts and 460 were 3-4 hair grafts. These photos were taken 16 months post-op.


Dr. Jerry Wong



Norwood Scale

Type 3A



Surgery Date

June 27, 2017
