
Patient # 1926


This patient from British Columbia originally came to see Dr. Wong in the spring of 2013 to discuss a hair transplant. He is classified on the Norwood scale as somewhere between a stage 6 and 7 with average to fine hair texture.

The original recommendation was to have a 4,000 to 4,500 graft FUT hair restoration procedure. After further research and deliberation, he discovered that Dr. Wong was performing more FUE cases. He came back for a second consultation in 2015. At that visit he expressed his desire to have the FUE method of harvest. Given the circumstances involved in his particular case, it was determined he would be a good candidate for an FUE hair transplant. Originally thinking a few smaller sessions of 1,000 to 1,200 grafts each would be his preference, he and Dr. Wong decided to go with a large number at once to provide the maximum cosmetic impact. Unless there are unusual variables associated with a particular case, the best approach is usually to harvest as many grafts as possible or up to the number required to restore a particular area rather than break the procedures up into to many small sessions. This generally holds true for FUE as well as FUT. Over 2 consecutive days he received 3801 grafts via FUE. Because we can selectively harvest the grafts we want via FUE, the average number of hairs per unit is greater with FUE than with FUT. Therefore the slightly less number of grafts harvested from the FUE procedure would in theory provide a similar coverage to the slightly higher number of grafts that may have been realized with the FUT method. A .85 mm size punch was used with an impressive transection around of around 2%. Which means around 98% of the follicular units extracted were viable and healthy, about the same rate of transection for our FUT procedures. The patient is very happy and you can see the cosmetic impact is significant. The hairline, frontal zone and mid scalp were reconstructed. This patient will be back in the next several months to complete restoration of his crown. Dr. Wong estimates an additional 3,000 may be available and required to give him full coverage. We hope to have the results of his next FUE hair transplant at some point in the future. These photos were taken 8.5 months post-op.


Dr. Jerry Wong



Norwood Scale

Type 6



Surgery Date

July 28, 2016

left full turn side view of hair transplant patient before 3801 grafts Before
right side view of hair transplant patient before 3801 grafts Before
hair transplant before top of head 3801 grafts patient Before