
2165 Grafts FUE


This Vancouver area patient noticed in his late 20’s that he was falling victim to the genetics on his mother’s side for hair loss. Fast forward around 5 years to his mid-30’s, he felt it was then time to do something about his disappearing hairline. After reading some Google reviews and watching some videos on YouTube about Hasson and Wong, it became apparent to him our clinic had the necessary hair transplant experience and skill to address his goals of rebuilding a nice hairline more reminiscent of what he had in his early 20’s. He met with Dr. Wong to discuss possible treatment options and expressed interest in restoring his receding hairline. With a good donor area possessing adequate density, Dr. Wong recommended that an FUE procedure consisting of around 2000 grafts would achieve the best possible results. Besides being the extraction method of choice for the usual reasons such as a relatively small area to restore and the option to wear the hair short on the sides and back after the procedure, another less talked about consideration was in play. In some patients and typically more common in patients of Asian descent, exit angle of the hair in the donor area while still acute, tends to be closer to 90 degrees than in some patients with more typical hair exit angle characteristics. What this essentially means is that the hair does not lay as flat against the scalp on the sides and back and therefore you can see a little more into the scalp and shorter hair lengths. For this reason, an FUT scar may be slightly more visible with the hair cut shorter on the sides and back. In that scenario, some styling restrictions may be slightly increased. In these cases, FUE is even more desirable all other things being equal. The FUE procedure to rebuild his hairline and necessary areas of the frontal zone ultimately required 2165 grafts. 103  were single hair grafts, 1732 were doubles and 330 were triple hair grafts. These results are only 7 months post-op after his procedure with some additional maturing expected. Even at this stage his expectations have been exceeded.  His family members closely following his journey and progress were also very impressed with the outcome and couldn’t believe the result was this good and as impactful on his appearance.<


Dr. Jerry Wong



Norwood Scale

Type 3A



Surgery Date

May 11, 2021

fue hair transplant 2165 grafts front after After
fue hair transplant 2165 grafts front Before