
3055 Grafts FUE


This Vancouver-area patient in his mid 30’s started losing his hair around the age of 25 – most noticeably around the hairline and frontal zone. His hair loss gradually progressed, eventually advancing to a stage 4A on the Norwood Hair Loss Scale. He approached Hasson and Wong hoping to restore density to his hairline and frontal zone by means of a large FUE procedure. He had good, thick donor hair with texture on the finer side. Dr. Hasson and his team successfully transplanted 3055 grafts via FUE in order to restore his hairline and frontal zone to its former density. 562 of these grafts were singles, 1919 were doubles and 574 were 3-4 hair grafts. The decision to employ the FUE extraction method was made easier due to his lower-than-average scalp laxity. These hair transplant photos were taken at the clinic roughly 12 months post-op.


Dr. Victor Hasson



Norwood Scale

Type 4



Surgery Date

May 23, 2019

3055 grafts FUE hair transplant before front view Before
top view of hair transplant patient's head after FUE hair transplant of 3,055 grafts After
top view of hair transplant patient's head before FUE hair transplant of 3,055 grafts Before
FUE hair transplant left temple after 3,055 grafts After
left temple before FUE hair transplant of 3,055 grafts Before
FUE hair transplant of 3,055 grafts close up after hairline After
FUE hair transplant close up 3055 grafts hair line before surgery Before
FUE hair transplant right side after 3,055 grafts After
right side view of FUE hair transplant patient before surgery of 3,055 grafts Before